Personality Code라는 책을 읽으면서 책에서 제공하는 코드번호로 IDISC Personality Test를 할 수 있었다. 수십년간 사용되온 검증된 인성테스트라고 하지만, 전부 영어였기 때문에 나에게 맞는 정확한 결과를 얻었다고는 확신할 수 없다고 생각한다. 일단 DISC에 대해서 간단하게 설명하는 그래프는 다음과 같다.

DISC 성향 (Dominant, Interpersonal, Steady, Conscientious)
Dominant : Dominant 점수가 높은 사람은 직설적이고 자기주장이 강하다. 그들은 독립적으로 생각하며, 야망이 있고 그들만의 길을 찾는데 효율적이다. 그들은 도전적이고 자신에게 뜻밖의 상황이 닥친다고 하더라도 그 상황을 즐길 줄 안다. 지배적인(dominant) 사람들은 그들이 살고 있는 곳과 일하고 있는 곳에서 권위와 힘을 얻으려는 노력을 하여 그것을 얻으려고 한다.
Interpersonal : 대인관계가 좋은 사람은 사교적이고 남을 즐겁게 한다. 그들은 어떤 모임에 참가하길 좋아하며 남의 의견을 좇아 결과를 내려고 시도한다. 아주 외향적인 이런 사람들은 친근하고 우호적인 성격을 갖고 있다. 그들의 사교 스타일은 그들을 항상 사람들과 만나고 이야기하도록 한다. 그들은 주위 사람들과 자주 교류하고자 하며, 사교적이지 않은 사람들도 사람들 사이로 끌어당기기도 한다.
Steady : Steady 점수가 높은 사람들은 고집이 세고 참을성이 있다. 그들은 다른이 이야기를 귀담아 들을줄 알고 잘 도와준다. Steady 점수가 높은 사람들은 삶을 안정적으로 유지하려한다. 그들은 참을성이 있고, 남들에게 이것저것 요구하지 않으며 주위사람들에게 충실함을 보여주기도 한다. 그들은 주위사람들이 처한 문제나 갖고있는 느낌에 대해 관심을 표현하고 때로는 그런 것들은 해결하는 역할을 맡기도 한다. 안정적인(steady) 사람들은 어떠한 업무나 과제가 완료될 때까지 그것에 집중할 수 있는 끈기를 가지고 있다.
Conscientious : Conscientious 점수가 높은 사람들은 명확하고 정확성을 중시한다. 그들은 구조와 세부사항, 사실을 좋아하며 전통과 에티켓을 ?? (they tend to regard traditinon and eqiquette as highly important). 그리고 어떤 활동에 시스템적인 관점으로 접금하며 주위 환경을 관리·제어하기 위해 규칙을 사용할 것을 주장한다. 양심적인(conscientious) 사람은 어떠한 문제(충돌)에 대해 말하는 것을 삼가거나 직접적이지 않은 접근을 하며, 보통 반응을 보이는 것이 정말 필요하기 전까지는 별 행동을 취하지 않는다.

내 DISC 성향
내 DISC 성향은 S와 C가 강하다. 또 이 테스트는 내 인성타입을 DETECTIVE (탐정)으로 평가하고 있는데, 당췌 뭣때문에 내가 탐정이라는건지..-_-; 아. 이 테스트에서는 인성타입을 14가지로 분류하고 있으며 여기엔 Ally, Architect, Coach, Detective, Diplomat, Entrepreneur, Expert, Innovator, Mobilizer, Motivator, Opportunist, Researcher, Sponsor, Strategist 가 있다.
DETECTIVE의 장점과 고쳐야할 점(일종의 단점)은 다음과 같다고 한다. 해석은 귀찮아서..
장점 (Strengths)
Emphasizing the bottom line impact of actions
Gathering data to make sound decisions
Setting up standards and guidelines
고쳐야할점 (Challenges)
Admitting mistakes
Making quick decisions
Permitting self-disclosure
아 해석하기 귀찮다
How to make the most of your Detective profile:
- When a decision needs good research and data to support it, don't hesitate to volunteer your services.
- To develop more trusting and collaborative relationships with others, take opportunities to disclose personal thoughts or feelings about an issue.
- When you've made an error, look to others for information on how you might have made it - seeking knowledge and input from others demonstrates your willingness to acknowledge your mistakes and learn from them.
- Give a Detective some time to think through the answer to a problem. Detectives need time to consider the data that supports any opinion.
- Include the Detective in developing plans and strategies. A Detective is skilled in anticipating challenges and finding solutions.
- Keep in mind that Detectives are often uncomfortable with the thought of exhibiting flaws in their work.
나와 반대되는 사람 : Motivator??

Detective vs Motivator -_-
The Detective and Motivator clash over the relative importance of information. The Detective is known for his utter reliance on logic and reason. He focuses on the facts because accuracy is the standard by which he thinks all ideas should be evaluated. And why shouldn't he? The Detective's skill in gathering facts and information is unparalleled, and it serves him well in his career. The Motivator is known for being social and charming; he relies on his people skills for his sense of worth. And why shouldn't he? When the going gets toughs, he's motivated by a desire to produce a satisfactory outcome for everyone involved, and people appreciate his ability to speak to the needs of different perspectives. Herein lies the problem—the Motivator follows the opinions of the group. When a team is in a tough spot, and the best way forward is uncertain, he's skilled at following the changing tide of the group's opinion. To the Motivator, it doesn't matter what the facts say; what matters is what people think. The Detective's stance in the same dilemma is the opposite; he feels the facts should decide where to go. After all, people are often wrong, and nothing blinds people more to the truth than a room full of people that hold the same opinion. Most people are quick to be swayed by this “group think,” but the Detective never loses his focus on the facts.
The Detective is willing to take the time to get to the bottom of issues—no matter how obscured the facts—and expects others to do the same. The Motivator frustrates him more than any other profile, and, as much as he likes to explore information, the data on his feelings can be pretty off limits—he isn't prone to self-disclosure. This can make the Detective come across a bit standoffish, when he doesn't feel good about a Motivator's opinions. And the Motivator doesn't take kindly to naysayers. He places a strong value on being liked by others, so the Detective's resistance is quick to capture his attention.
So how do these two get to the bottom of their differences? The first thing they need to do, as with any type/anti-type pairing, is understand each other. Unlike most other personality profile conflicts, these two are unlikely to be able to talk things out. They're going to be better off establishing a quiet understanding. The skills they bring to a situation are highly unique, and don't mesh well. They both serve a unique purpose, and their cumulative impact covers a lot of important ground in a project. This is alright, since the two don't have to work side by side to get things done. The Motivator and Detective are better off respecting each other from a small distance. They can learn to share ideas and collaborate as the need arises. If they aren't literally hashing out problems together, the two are far more able to understand each other, and even be the target of each other's respect. The differences in their core strengths can be fascinating to each other—as long as it's from a safe distance.